Horny Goat Weed: The Natural Aphrodisiac

Oysters.  Chocolate.  Spanish fly.  Dung, even.  You’ve heard them all before.

Millions of curious, eager, love-lacking and romantically-frustrated consumers have spent millions on these so-called aphrodisiacs over the years, all with the collective goal of having better sex.  Yet all of them continue to be short-changed in return.  And though there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting better sex, everything’s wrong with gambling your health and sexual wellness (or hard-earned money) on things that have never been scientifically proven to work.

Beautiful red and yellow horny goat weed flower in bloom, natural aphrodisiac and libido-boosting herb.

Horny Goat Weed Flower (Genus Epimedium)

But horny goat weed works.

It’s endured tests of both time and science and has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine as a natural aphrodisiac and erectile dysfunction treatment, long before Viagra ever existed (and even after ).

And unlike oysters, chocolate, Spanish fly, and the animal feces people have been either ingesting or applying to themselves to rev their sexual engines (again, please do not ever do this), horny goat weed contains a that has been repeatedly established to increase blood flow to the penis.

But that doesn’t mean this potent sexual wellness gem is just for men.

Despite differences in sexual “equipment,” male and female genitals developed from the same gonadal tissue.  So physical and visual differences have no effect on blood flow, sensitivity, or sensations.  Women can benefit from horny goat weed just the same as men, as increased blood flow will be felt within the vagina and clitoral area.

Sound good?  It gets even better.

As a sexual wellness supplement, horny goat weed can also help maintain healthy sexual appetites.  It mimics (and in some case increases) the effects of testosterone, the sex hormone responsible for arousal and desire in both sexes.

Taken regularly, horny goat weed’s effect becomes two-fold:  It enhances pleasure and increases stamina and blood flow, and kindles ongoing desire in the same way a daily multivitamin contributes to your overall good health.  Horny goat weed is the perfect libido-boosting supplement to add to your daily health and sexual wellness routine—and if you don’t already have one, VitaStrength’s line of premium products can help you start one.

Happy, attractive couple enjoying intimacy with VitaStrength horny goat weed.

Everyone deserves an exciting, fulfilling sex life without the expensive (and potentially dangerous) trial-and-error of sexual supplements and so-called aphrodisiacs that don’t work.  The proof is in the science—try horny goat weed today!

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    Posted at 08:32h, 29 March

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